Interview: Seth Dallaire chats about Walmart Connect at CES 2023
January 17, 2023

At CES 2023, Walmart's CRO Seth Dallaire joined James Kotecki in the CES C Space Studio to discuss how we're working on improving the retail experience for both customers and brands, and why CES is such a valuable event for the advertising industry.

Seth elaborates on:

  • Some of the ways that we are focused on adding to the shopper journey, rather than interrupting it
  • How we're helping brands more effectively advertise their products to Walmart customers online and in-store
  • The value of CES for identifying the biggest consumer trends on the horizon, and connecting with brands to understand where they will fit in with these new experiences and how we can support that
  • Key takeaways from his panel with other Walmart leaders discussing how US shopper trends are evolving and why putting customer insights at the forefront of every decision is so important

Watch the full interview for all the details! 

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